UK #COVID19 Deaths = 41,998
UK Population = 67,971,618
% of people died = 0.0006178% of population

All life is important & all deaths are sad/terrible so not belitting that in the slightest but are these numbers enough to basically shut down a country?
Surely we have people dying as a direct result of this policy?

Cancer patients & people with life threatening diseases unable to attend appts

People taking their own lives as a result of the fall-out from these policies that are impacting so many lives. Pic from last week
People are losing jobs, contact with friends/family, losing their homes, the economy is being hugely damaged. People not going out as much, exercising & enjoying lives pleasures

All these things have a huge impact on mental health & general well-being personally & for families
The numbers??? Feels like they are reported on different metrics so cannot be compared & easier to potentially manipulate to keep people opressed & in fear of something where we are not being told the truth imo

Where are the daily nos that were always reported at the start ....
The start was a period where they were unable to do autopsies so anyone barring e.g. gun-shot or stabbings were categorised as Covid (inflating & distorting numbers)

If you tell a lie over & over then people will start to believe it
We have all been good citizens, abided by laws & policies, worn our masks, drunk up by 10pm, missed out on life experiences, enjoyment, family, friends & much more to a huge impact on everything we love and cherish. Rules we blindly follow while they are flouted by MPs etc
This is all a personal view but its based on frustration, sadness & anger at those that are impacting our lives with their policies, the untruths & also the sheer apathy from the British public who seem to be happy to just sit back & accept this shit without question
Does the chance of catching an illness that the vast majority would poss not notice or get over in time warrant all these life impacting policies? Destroying literally everything perhaps because "they need to be seen to be doing something" even if hugely damaging & inconsistent
Kids missing school, student life impacted at unis, people unable to go to work, business' & livelihoods crumbling away/gone because of this

Have own view but got to wonder if policy is far more damaging that any actual known disease. Why would people not even question this?
With the actual death rate at 0.0006 of the population surely its time to let things get back to "normal"

Re-open stadiums, theatres etc to those that want to go

Think all focus should be on protecting the elderly & vulnerable and letting the rest of us "live with it"
Life is precious. Its precious for people that have lost their lives & families but it is also precious for the vast majority that just want to live theirs without all of the fear & uncertaintly created by the Govt & Media.

We should all be able to make own personal choices
Will continue to respect the fears & thoughts of others by doing whats right but personally enough is enough

Research more, avoid getting info from just Govt/MSM but, hope people start to question everything, stop accepting everything as the truth & stop being so apathetic
Remember the Nightingale Hospital at the Excel - pretty much decommissioned apparently and the Excel open for business (think 01/10). Why would we decom a key hospital, set up at huge expense at the start of an apparent 2nd wave?
World population is 7.8 billion

Sure lockdowns, closures, wearing of protective equipment has made a difference with the spread but Worldwide just gone over £1m deaths

Awful & devastating for those affected but 1m out of 7.8b

< 1/9 of the population of London Worldwide
@SkyNews Why use ambiguous words like "involving" and "mentioned?"

Why the choice of headline without context if:-

"Covid-19 deaths still only accounted for 1.5% of all deaths"
Wish could change the % number at top of thread as its supposed to read 0.06% of population but we are talking hundreds and thousanths at time of tweeting. No intention to mislead.

The deaths & population numbers are correct however at time of tweeting.
Mental Health issues, Suicides & people dying because they have been unable to get treatment for life-threatening conditions are & will be the real "pandemic"

Those things will be the true very long-term legacy from all of this...
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