(A thread)

So #TWICETOBER is coming and I'm excited! But I wanted to see when can we see a teaser. Let's start with the 9 members.
9 members - October 6 - 14 or October 7 - 15

Why? All teasers for the nine members are released daily. (Based on Feel Special and More and More) I didn't sort it based on the chant because the sorting was shuffled on M&M.
First teaser - October 16 or 17

After the nine members, the first M/V teaser is released a day after tomorrow. It could be a small teaser or a long one.
Jacket Filming - October 18 or 19*

A jacket Filming is a part of their teaser so I included it. But this may change.
Second Teaser - October 20 or 21*

* = Whichever comes first
Album Highlight Melody teaser - October 22 or 23
Final teaser - October 24 or 25**

** = Although with one day left before release, I consider this optional.
Official Release Date - October 26***

*** = (based on https://twitter.com/misayeon/status/1310395169708150785?s=19)
Of course there's VLives of TWICE, but I think they'll do some live around the 16th and 23rd. But this is my guess.
Don't consider this as the official release date thread for the teasers. This is just my estimation based on the recent comebacks of TWICE.
Anyway just stream the upcoming album of TWICE this #TWICETOBER and stan other GGs!

Please disregard this thread, @JYPETWICE already released an official calendar for #TWICETOBER or aka #TWICEofOctober https://twitter.com/JYPETWICE/status/1311319901458620424?s=19
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