People who don’t wear a mask, should be punished by not getting a vaccine
Punish me first 😂🙌
I Alice Trump sign that I will take my chances with the 99.9% survival rate & wont be wearing a mask or be injected with a DNA altering vaccine. Thank you for your concern. Maybe worry about people who are smoking or eating human DNA from McDonald’s 🙏
10000% human meat in Maccs’s keep up guys lol
Love reading the abusive comments from people who didn’t get the joke but realise and delete their tweet before I get to reply 😂
It’s good because people who are mask wearers will like it as well as they think we will be ‘punished’ 😂
For everyone who obviously doesn’t know me 😂 here was the only time I wore a mask hahaha
I love everyone who speaks fluent sarcasm on this tweet & got the meaning hahaha 🙌🙌🙌
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