If anyone unironically thinks hesbian is a real, valid thing, unfollow me at once, and go re-evaluate your life.

I honestly thought this was a joke but I've seen at least two accounts claim it's real (I've noticed they're all very young, which worries me deeply)
Imagine thinking that a sexuality that literally exists outside of the stratosphere of needing male companionship, should suddenly be male-inclusive.
Imagine thinking it's okay to add men into a safe space that's exclusively built for women that love women.

And by men I mean literally anyone that id's as male. No transphobia here, folks.
Imagine unironically saying "I'm a lesbian and I'm male"

I'm all for challenging/abolishing gender, folks. But introducing men to a lesbian space is at best creepy and at worse harmful.
Not to mention the history / continued fetishisation of lesbians which is specifically driven from men, and all the harmful stereotypes we've been slowly trying to abolish ever since.
Men still treat lesbianism like a joke (because they are threatened). They've made us "just a phase", and a fetish, for decades.

So to invite men to THIS space? The space we're still trying to repair? Wow. it'd be like inviting Donald Trump to your big lesbian wedding.
If you are male and want to id as a hesbian then sure, make it your this new sexuality where you can screw other hesbians.

Basically it'd be lesbian fetishisers fucking other lesbian fetishisers. Creepy as shit but at least ringfenced over to your own area, waaay over there. 👉

If you unironically id as "hesbian":

DO NOT interact with lesbians
DO NOT misgender canonical female characters to fit your creepy male narrative
DO acknowledge your misogyny and try to work on it
DO acknowledge your lesphobia and try to work on it
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