hey everyone! I made this Twitter account to expose my weirdo of an “ex” who thinks it’s cool to violate me and send ~private~ photos of me through anonymous accounts on IG to my current boyfriend because he’s bitter that i left him for being a little hoe!
let me start by saying I dumped him because he was cheating on me multiple times, literally dating back to the first two weeks of our relationships I caught this fool still hitting up other bitches and trying to fuck w other girls on the internet
caught him MULTIPLE times in between the short few months we were together cheating on me, saving other girls onlyfans, talking shit about being in a relationship with me on his FINSTA (what guy has a finsta nowadays anyways) -
has lied to me countless times about where he’s been, people he’s been with, lied straight to my face after i confronted him about cheating, even went as far as lying about his own living situation (not that i even care, but why lie) and -
lying about his whole ass fucking life in general!!! i had every reason to dump him!!!!! Even would be like “don’t be surprised if I ever cheat on you I’m telling you now” at the beginning of the “relationship” we had like wtf 🤢 absolute TRASH!!!
not to mention this loser came to my house uninvited while i wasn’t even home!!!!! to pick his stuff up that i didn’t even have anymore which yes I did get rid of that shit!!!!! Karma is a BITCH!!!!
months later this moron sees me happy living my best life unbothered with my new boyfriend and decides to yet again HARASS ME AND VIOLATE ME BY SENDING PRIVATE OLD PHOTOS OF ME TO MY BF SAYING THEY WERE TAKEN “THE OTHER DAY” LOL WOOOOW
how absolutely pathetic do you gotta be to go out your way to hurt me like this! My bf is dealing with this the way a man should. I’m just here to let y’all know @froyleazy is a little BITCH and disgusting and thinks it’s okay to VIOLATE bc i dropped his ass MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!
You can follow @krystinaa333.
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