The rules are 'thought up' (and I use that term very loosely) by IFAB

And look who the technical director is

And this is picture of them in a meeting coming up with great ideas. Wonder how many of them have played at the highest level?

The IFAB consists of representatives from the UK’s four football associations (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and four representatives from FIFA. Each member enjoys the same voting rights, with a three-quarters majority required for a motion to be passed.
The IFAB discuss and decide on proposed changes to the Laws of the Game. Any FA or continental confederation can suggest amendments to the Laws through one of The IFAB members. The IFAB AGM meetings take place in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, in strict rotation.
An amendment to the handball rule they made was ensuring that an accidental handball will only be punished if it occurs “immediately” before a goal was scored. If play continues for some time after this, accidental handball will not be penalised.

It did so why the penalty?
If the ball strikes a player who has made their body “unnaturally bigger”, then they will be punished. Ifab deems that an arm above shoulder height is rarely, if ever, a “natural” position, with the only exception coming when a player is falling to the ground.

Jumping? 🤷‍♂️
The body also stated that extra leeway will be granted in regards to ricocheted handballs, or if the player in question cannot see the ball.

How could Dier see the ball?

The ref fucked up!
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