[Thread] - How SARS-Cov-2 can damage the heart.

- Severe covid can have potentially fatal effects on the heart even in the young and healthy
- the virus damages the heart through direct and indirect actions resulting in a variety of ways in which this manifests

- the virus can cause inflammation in the heart cells
- there has been an increase in out of hospital cardiac arrest & sudden death that aligns to geographic regions with high spread of the virus

- cardiac involvement raises concerns for athletes who are less likely to exhibit symptoms. How many have undetected cardiac involvement? Screening should be considered.
- can we predict who might be more at risk of having cardiac involvement should they get the virus?
Key message: it's not just about death rates. Covid has a spectrum of effects beyond the respiratory system.

Note: I've copied and adapted this thread from a connection on Linkedin in order to spread the information.

Here's a link to the paper: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/09/23/science.abe2813?rss=1
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