🔸tag your mutuals thread 🔸

-please quote ✨
-please try 😂
1) tag the funniest mutual who brightens up your timeline:
2) tag the mutual who got best and new memes EVERYTIME:
3) tag the mutual who ends up getting into fandom fights often and seems ferocious but is a sweetheart:
4) tag the mutual who's a loyal fan and tweets about their favourites continuously and if you need some news about your favourite star, you'd rather check their account than check the hashtag:
5) tag the mutual with whom you had many disagreements but your bond is still unbreakable:
6) tag the talented mutual who makes lots of creative edits/writes fanfictions or makes vms:
7) tag the dramatic mutual:
8) tag a mutual who's weird but in a good way and they're extremely intelligent but you still don't understand them:
9) tag the artistic mutual who posts bomb level creative poems/paintings
10) tag the mutual who is always there to support you and tweets/dms you when you tweet sad stuff, supports you in your fights and replies to even your silly tweets:
11) tag the mutual who isn't just a mutual anymore, they're your good friend and you appreciate their existence in your life:
12) tag a mutual with whom you haven't talked a lot BUT you want to break the ice and interact more because they're really nice:
13) tag a mutual with whom you talk A LOT on dm but you don't talk to them on tweets so it seems as if you're not close, but YOU ARE:
14) tag a mutual who tweets EXTREMELY relatable tweets and they seem pretty intelligent:
15) tag a mutual who posts A LOT about k-pop/k-dramas and you don't know half of the times what they're on about but its still fun seeing them on your timeline:
16) tag a tharki mutual, they're besharm openly and are proud of it even probably:
17) tag a mutual who comes online BARELY and you miss seeing them around because they're nice, let them know that they need to use this app more 😂🔥
18) tag a mutual who SPAMS your timeline with their tweets and everywhere you go, you see their tweets:
🔸end of the thread🔸

this thread is random but I hope y'all tag your mutuals and make them feel good about themselves. it always feels nice to know that someone is being appreciated for their awesome and unique qualities :') 🌹
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