The Far-Right in politics may want to destroy your Muslim body but this may inadvertently strengthen your Muslim soul

& the Far-Left in liberalism may want to preserve your Muslim body but it may eventually destroy your Muslim soul!

Food for thought for the Muslims in the West
At a time where Muslim youth are already weak in terms of their connection to Islam, pampering them with liberalism will only make them weaker! And what’s worse is that after a generation they will live an anti-Islamic life but justify it from the Quran & Sunnah. Wake up Muslims!
And by the way, I’m not suggesting that Muslims align with the Far-Right either: both sides of the spectrum are dangerous in their own ways.
I pray the Muslims in the West ponder deeply about this, especially my fellow American Muslims. The future of the next generation is being paved by us right now. The least we can do is to not create a pathway for the distortion of Islam!
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