a thread of “our lives are built on lies - one direction edition”😤
one direction was in fact NOT put together at 8:22pm uk time
#LetNiallSing was a complete joke since he was NOT crying in those videos, and their management did NOT mute his mic
liam wasn’t actually alone on his 16th birthday. his friends threw him a surprise party and were behind the camera during the picture
harry doesn’t have asthma
liam wasn’t ACTUALLY afraid of spoons
this picture is not them
this was also completely fake
“18 mOnThS” and “HiAtUs” = a lie
at this point one direction wasn’t real. it didn’t actually exist or happen. the boys have been solo their whole lives & we just have a big ✨imagination✨
notice how zayn & louis aren’t in this thread with personal lies? zouis supremacy wbk😌
also,,,, imagine not stanning all 5 despite the pain and heartbreak they put us through on a daily basis.. wouldn’t trade them with anyone else ever tbh. i would literally take a bullet for them right here and now
yes i’m going to therapy and no it isn’t sponsored by them unfortunately🙂
~the end~
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