Feminism is NOT about downgrading men. Feminism is about EQUALITY and not superiority. Feminism is all about fighting sexism and misogyny. Feminism is a fight against patriarchal norms set by the society by which they expect a woman to live.
Feminists do not hate men or any gender for that matter, infact they have respect for everyone who makes informed choices and does not believe in double standards for men and women.
-hate men.
-slander men
-crave for superiority
We do this because we have shame and dignity. We don't want someone to rule over us or our lives. Feminism is NOT associated with forceful and angry women, we're fierce and we like freedom over slavery
Feminists do not want to put men down, we just want to get where men have gotten by oppressing us. Feminism is a fight to end sexism in all forms, it not a fight against men.
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