Alright everyone, listen up.

After some recent events that happened that have left us all a little more than disgusted and for some of us, relatively surprised, I figured now would be a good time to talk

In this thread I’m gonna talk about the Megaten community and its problems
The MegaTen community, specifically Persona and even more specifically, Persona 5, has been under some flack for a long a while now for being incredibly non self aware and making things about themselves.

I’m not here to defend them but I wanna talk about accountability.
This is not something “just” Persona 5 fans do. It’s something we all do. I’ve seen it time and time again with fans of Persona 3 specifically, and some instances in the SMT community as well.

Shown below are 4 comments from SimplyDad’s “Shin Megami Tensei IV Is a Masterpiece”
For all I know, I could be wrong, but it’s safe to assume these people haven’t played an SMT game.

This is a problem that persists throughout all fanbases but it applies here especially.

Please, stop giving opinions on games you haven’t played.
This stigma of “SMT Elitists” comes from the idea that the SMT community disregards Persona. They don’t.

Certain people may not like certain Persona games or prefer SMT or older Persona games, but this does not make them elitist.
In my short time in the Megaten community (approximately 3 years now), most of the elitism I have seen is from a lot of newer Persona fans who refuse to play the older titles.

If you’re uninterested, that’s fine, but do so while holding yourself to a certain standard.
If you are uninterested but haven’t played the game, do not tell others to not enjoy it or that it is a bad game. Do not stampede on others’ excitement because it isn’t what you wanted.

And for SMT elitists, you could all learn to be a bit more accepting of Persona.
We all have our reasons for disliking things but instead of calling the kettle black and continuing this nonsensical fanbase divide, we we either need to articulate our discussions properly or we need to band together and put our preferences aside.
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