I love how Project Veritas seems to have a "groundbreaking discovery" every couple of months or so just to grab some headlines, and within a few days it is always almost immediately forgotten about
Like you'd think if these discoveries had the groundbreaking lib destroying effect they are always hyped to be they'd actually result in some form of change, punishment, ANYTHING really but nah they just kinda wisp away into the wind
It's almost like they just release a bullshit "investigative" piece just to grab some headlines away from whatever negative shit the right is doing, and then once the attention is diverted from the right they don't follow up and just go about their business...
No I'm just capping. How could such an ethically sound publication with such an upstanding leader like James O'Keefe do something so sinister! I mean after all, he is such an accomplished journalist, with not a single scandal to his name
BTW I'm not slamming right wing media in general, Project Veritas is just really sketchy imo and their track record is p poor. I take everything they say with a pinch of salt until they prove me wrong.
Not that any of this matter I'll probably end up deleting this thread in the morning anyway WEEEEEEE
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