anarchists and marxists are both right and wrong about stuff. ideology is a straightjacket and relitigating the dissolution of the first international does not scare porky; only organization does that. we do not win world anarchy and communism by having the most correct opinions
i've got more
marxism-leninism is neither marxist nor leninist, discuss
it will not be possible to achieve necessary reductions in emissions to avert 4°C+ without a significant reduction in material wealth & perceived quality of life for average people in the wealthy nations of the global north and we have to figure out how to make ppl OK with this
bernie sanders did more for the prospects for actual leftism in america by losing than he would have done by winning. you're going to tell me this is cope but look at the experience of syriza in greece. the constraints of state power are impossible to escape without a mass base
whatever your opinion on nuclear power is, it's wrong
most arguments on the left are not deep, philosophical, and strategic - they are shallow, semantic, and tactical
world revolution is impossible without revolution in america first. the world's arch-reactionary power and the keystone in the arch of global capitalism will undermine and destroy any successful revolution elsewhere until it is toppled
based on history, revolution in america will require the active participation of 3-5% of the population, 10-15 million people. creating this mass base of popular support for system change within america through education mutual aid union organizing etc must be our first priority
the respective concerns of a class reductionist perspective and an identity politics perspective are two aspects of the same interlocking mechanism of the oppression of the mass of people by elites and it is impossible to destroy one without attacking both simultaneously
every single dead white leftist writer worshipped by various sects is some flavor of racist, sexist, or anti-semite and it absolutely does not matter at all to any of our present concerns
gatekeeping religious people from left movements on the grounds that leftism is secular or atheistic by definition is dividing the working class along cultural lines and serves the interest of the ruling class
by all means read theory, but a single day of mutual aid work serving the people does more to bring about the world we want to build than a lifetime of cloistered reading and study
if your political beliefs can be described in a single word or phrase that corresponds to some wikipedia article, they aren't really your political beliefs
protest isn't nonviolent. it is in fact the veiled threat of violence. it says: look how many of us there are, who care enough about this thing to set aside our everyday concerns & amass a visual signifier of our power in the streets. imagine what we could do if we really wanted
the biggest obstacle to system change is not state power or reactionary opposition but the apathy born of social atomization and a sense of powerlessness of the great mass of ordinary people
the best introductory text to anarchism isn't the bread book, it's malatesta's anarchist program (1920). the communist manifesto is still the best introductory text to marxism. the best introductory text to communalism & social ecology or democratic confederalism is yet unwritten
bogdanov was the most intellectually interesting and relevant for our times out of all of the bolsheviks of the rsdlp by a large order of magnitude. ahead of his times by decades in multiple fields. like if tesla was also a communist revolutionary & wrote sci-fi. underrated af
lenin was a gifted organizer and a decent writer (anarchists can read lenin too, i promise you won't burst into flames) but he showed the kind of person he was during the baumann affair and it was all pretty much downhill from there
bookchin's combative, polemical style of argumentation against ideological adversaries did much to diminish the spread of his views. unfortunate as those views are syncretic, a dialectical synthesis of anarchism & marxism w/o the baggage of either, and should have had wide appeal
we are going to need 25 people to support every 1 person actively engaged in redacted parody in minecraft. i appreciate posts about armed community self-defense but a rifle & some ammo is only the tip of the iceberg. where is the food and water and healthcare going to come from?
nobody is going to listen to your political ideas until you show them you are really on their side in a way that's meaningful. education and agitation should be paired with material support whenever possible (mutual aid, serving the people, mass work) lest it fall on deaf ears.
some folks on the left don't want to talk about decolonization and abolition because they react to it with the same sense of threatened privilege and social rank as liberals, conservatives, and reactionaries
the end goal of union organizing should be not merely higher wages and benefits but directly democratic worker control over the enterprise. unions should talk more about cooperatization, buyouts, takeovers of bankrupt businesses. there should be a horizon beyond the next contract
anti-americanism is necessary but not sufficient for internationalism. to be an internationalist one must oppose all nations, and support only the living beings of this earth. socialism without internationalism is fascism; anarchism without internationalism is an impossibility
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