So as a outsider who has had my hobbies effected by the influence of the CCP the #Hololive community has a chance now to clean house and prevent the CCP from having full control over #Hololive and what content they produce.
But to push back you need to act now when the controversy is new, a push to make #Hololive see that the CCP is not worth the problems they cause. This can only be done with loud voices and money.
First if you care about the talent and their ability to produce content you like without "politics" and be pure you need to work for it.
his all boils down to money and markets right now #Hololive feels the market in China is more valuable then others so they will pander to it. So how do you make #Hololive see that China is not worth pandering to?
Simple be as loud on social media as possible on all available platforms and if you do give money to the talent remember that it is all filtered by #Hololive with the talent getting money after they take a cut so you can use donation messages to show what you want what is key…
…is that #Hololive is a Japanese company so your messages will be better received in Japanese and not English. The trick is to be positive in messaging at all times about the talent but negative about #Hololive suspending them.
Many people are worried about the Chinese #Hololive but don't understand how the CCP allows foreign companies to run on the mainland. All companies are in part owned by a Chinese company/ the government.
So there is no reason for them to do anything to them if they one make money, and two keep to the approved talking points. If #Hololive China makes money nothing will change with the Chinese talent. What can #Hololive do to fix this?
One is to just pull out of China sell the remaining share of the Chinese company and not publish content in China this is a big loss of a ton of potential revenue for them so this is a no go.
The other thing is to completely segregate the content for China, with China only getting content from #Hololive China but this would also result in lower profits.
So people in the west need to put up money to show it is worth ditching China or reducing how much content they have in China this is done by supporting the English version of #Hololive and to preface all monetary contributions with that your a westerner or American that does…
…not want the content changed for China :End thread #HololiveEN #hololive #HololiveSellout

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