In September of 2016 namjoon and yoongi purposely misgendered a transgender fan at a concert in New York City (transphobia)
After all these controversies, most have been ignored and only the big ones were addressed and apologized for in a desperate attempt to save bts’s fraud infested career.
In 2018 jimin promoted eating disorders to his young impressionable audience
Late 2018- even more cultural appropriation
In early 2019 bts collected donations for the UNICEF end violence program and never provided proof of donations, so obviously the money was split seven ways and kept for themselves
Jimin wearing a shirt supporting the b0mbing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which offended many Japanese fans. He never apologized for this.
Hoseok cultural appropriating less than one year ago (never apologized for)
In 2019 bts openly supported the Saudi royals who are known for human rights abuse and went on to perform at a Saudi Arabian festival, more proof of their support for racism and homophobia
Throughout 2020 bts has been spotted in large gatherings and in public not wearing masks, showing that they don’t care about the health and safety of others. most recently, bts cheated other artists out of the #1 spot on the hot 100 by using chart manipulation. (Mentioned above)
I hope you enjoyed this thread and I hope everyone stops supporting this terrible group of people. Thank you for reading ❤️
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