Explaining to Americans that Denmark literally just chose to establish a true democracy and continuously change the rules to make it work properly is exhausting. Yeah, things actually CAN be good and have less problems when you choose to care about other people
“What do you mean there wasn’t a violent revolution?”
Yeah actually the people in charge realized it was beneficial for their citizens to be happy and healthy. Also they already cared about people.
“But our Constitution is the oldest in the world!”
And therefore also the most flawed. The argument that older is better is a logical fallacy of tradition. There’s no positive correlation between age of a government and its efficiency.
“Yeah but it’s not perfect either!”
Nothing is, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t actually make an effort.
There’s also something to be said for people who don’t know anything about politics knowing how to vote anyway. My ‘conservative’ family in Denmark voted for an Islamic man to represent them last election bc they reasoned he would know best where Denmark could do better.
Hell, in Denmark even I would be considered moderately conservative, but that’s so far to the left of what any American could even conceive of.
Sorry this thread got away from me lol, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my potential move to Denmark lately.
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