My controversial take of the day is that the tax code is Bad.
Also, recognizing that the whole anti-libertarian thing may come off as overly glib, is to be clear: I think the government should serve a positive moral good, and that tax law should help bring that about, too.
I’m not some “make the government so small you can drown it in the bath tub” type. I don’t think taxes are theft.
I’m hoping to write more about it soon. I don’t think anyone shouting at me on Twitter is going to change my mind. Having a government is inescapable. Having an entirely amoral government is neither desirable nor possible.
I guess it mostly boils down to: I think the government does most things comparatively poorly. This is a good reason to limit the things it does.

It is also the only entity likely to do some important things. For those, it should work to bring about things we can agree are good.
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