Anyone know where the adage...

"Don't talk politics"

...came from?

If politics is how we govern ourselves, "not talking politics" seems like the opposite of what we should be doing.
People will say, "It's not polite to talk politics, it's too controversial!"

If we can't do it gracefully, maybe we need to exercise this mental muscle more?
Maybe being unable to amicably discuss controversial things is one of the reasons society has come to feel so... dysfunctional?

Maybe it's one of the reasons we're not making good long-term decisions, as a group of glorified monkeys on Earth?
Found this relevant:

"In the world where most are told they shouldn’t talk about politics we end up with 'political specialists.'

Elected officials, lobbyists & their occasional challengers become the ones that control what is discussed & important."
"This leads to more and more concentration of power and less and less impact by the individual citizens. It threatens the very routes of our democracy."
If crypto is all about decentralization, then talking about politics (of protocols and nation-states) to decentralize who makes decisions about our values, should be held in the highest regard.
I appreciated @mdudas recent call to action.

And it's hard, because @Twitter can be one of the nastiest conversation venues on the internet, and unless you build a following based off "politics," talking about it tends to lose followers (not in self-interest wrt follower count)
But 2020 is too important to say nothing.

Talk politics. Vote. Govern the #USA.
You can follow @cburniske.
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