The man who shook the British crown was born 113 years ago today.

His slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' is an anti-national word today. Bhagat Singh once beautifully explained the real meaning of Inquilab Zindabad to a journalist.

A #Thread on his quotes about Casteism & Religion.
Bhagat Singh explains the meaning he tried to convey by the phrase 'Inquilab Zindabad' to the editor of the Modern Review.

- The Tribune (December 24, 1929)

Below are the quotes from 'Why I am an Atheist'
"You, the Hindus, Let me say it plainly that your ancestors were shrewd people. They were always in search of petty hoaxes to play upon people and snatch from them the power of Reason."

- Bhagat Singh (Why I am an Atheist)

Bhagat Singh was very vocal against Brahmanism.
"What is your view about punishments inflicted on the people who were deliberately kept ignorant by selfish and proud Brahmans? If by chance these poor creatures heard a few words of your sacred books, Vedas, these Brahmans poured melted lead into their ears."

- Bhagat Singh
"What, according to your theory, is the fate of a person who, by no sin of his own, has been born into a family of low caste people? He is poor so he cannot go to a school. It is his fate to be shunned and hated by those who are born into a high caste."

- Bhagat Singh
"Why doesn't your God infuse humanistic sentiments into the minds of the Britishers so that they may willingly leave India? Where is your God? What is He doing? Is He getting a diseased pleasure out of it? A Nero! A Genghis Khan! Down with Him!"

- Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh was planning to bring a mass uprising in the Indian society along lines of the October revolution which happened in Russia.

Naujawan Bharat Sabha (NBS) was a left-wing association founded by Bhagat Singh. Mahavir Singh (died in Andaman Jail) was a member of NBS.
The British Press called him the Red Terror. On January 21st 1930, in the Lahore Conspiracy Case, he appeared in the court wearing red scarves. He was reading Lenin's 'State and Revolution' during his last hours.
Some called the patriotism of Bhagat Singh as "superficial"
Today every political party wants the legacy of Bhagat Singh but noone wants to read 'Why I am an Atheist', where Bhagat Singh criticizes all religions and Casteism.

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