LRT fucking GO OFF. I hate being 'that guy' who bitches about westerners while being a westerner but goddamn some of the small brain takes on characters like 9S are so infuriating because they're so far from the point and honestly steeped in cultural imperialism.
Also not to mention that whenever a male character portrays trauma responses in a believable way they get demonized because people like that can't handle the idea of a man being vulnerable and have to slap some kind of bullshit label on it without actually having to think about
-WHY- this is happening, -WHY- he's responding to it in such a way. Especially when the abuse is at the hands of a woman because a lot of western society can't seem to understand that a lot of men can have trauma inflicted by women (like me). Which ironically they're just
reinforcing the toxic masculinity they're claiming to hate by continuing to perpetuate the idea that men can't be abused and women can't be abusive.

But the relationship between 9S and 2B can't be so easily analyzed because its complicated as hell (I mean, it IS Yoko Taro).
Is 2B abusive? No. It's Project YoRHa that's the source of the abuse and the fact she's forced to do what she does. You can clearly tell how much it hurts her and how much she doesn't want to do it after defeating Eve.

Anyway, play Automata and stan 9S.
I might have gone off the rails a bit there. Oops.
It's like when I tried telling people that my grandmother was physically, emotionally and mentally abusing me growing up and people told me to "man up" and tell her to stop or "fight back" because 'she's an old woman and you're a guy' as if that makes it okay?
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