Jin Ling was 3 when he first said "I love you" to his Jiujiu.

Jiang Cheng had held him close that night, eyes tightly closed in a futile attempt to stop the tears.

God, it's been so long since he last heard someone say they loved him.
Jin Ling was 6 when he visited Lotus Pier, clearly upset.

"I don't get it, Jiujiu. I have you and that's enough for me. Why do they have to tease me for not having parents?"

Jiang Cheng had wiped his tears away and said, "We're family, A-Ling. They just can't see it."
Jin Ling was 10 when he asked Jiang Cheng about liking someone.

"Jiujiu, do you have a person you like?"

JC ruffled his hair fondly and said, "I do."

"Then that person must get my permission first, okay?"



Jin Ling was 14 when he started to spend more time with his friends, sacrificing his time with his Jiujiu.

"It's fine. It's understandable for young lads. Besides, I am happy Jin Ling found love and acceptance among his peers."
Jin Ling was 15 when he had to take the title as Lanling Jin's Sect Leader.

"Jiujiu, I am scared."

"Don't be. I will be here for you."


"And I am already very proud of you, my A-Ling."
Jin Ling was 19 when he shyly shared about liking someone to his Jiujiu.

"My nephew is all grown up now."

"At this rate, I might get married before you do, Jiujiu."

"I can still break your knee, brat!"
Jin Ling was 21 when he introduced his lover to his Jiujiu.

"Take care of A-Ling." Zidian sparked dangerously as he said so.


"I'm just saying."
Jin Ling was 26 when his Jiujiu witnessed him marry someone.

"You've really grown..."

"And I've grown well because of you."

"Oh, A-Ling."

Blinking the tears away, Jin Ling jokingly said, "See, Jiujiu? I am getting married before you do!"
Jin Ling was 28 when he witnessed his Jiujiu's wedding ceremony.

"Took you long enough, Jiujiu."

"May I remind you that I can still break your knee, brat."

"Aahhh. I see I am still your brat."

"Always, A-Ling."
Jin Ling was 29 when he let his Jiujiu hold his daughter.

"I can't believe a brat like you is a father now."

"Please. I will be a great father because I had a great one growing up."

If Jin Ling's Jiujiu cried, it would be their little secret. Because, you see, he cried too.
Jin Ling was 35 when his Jiujiu got seriously injured on a nighthunt.


"OLD FART?!?! Once I'm fully recovered, I'm gonna break your knee, brat!"
Jin Ling was 42 when his Jiujiu got sick.

"You've really become an old fart."

"I guess I did."

"You're not gonna break my knee?"

"I don't think I can anymore. Wei Wuxian's core cannot keep up with my ailing body."

Jin Ling was 45 when he bade farewell to his Jiujiu.

"You've always mentioned how I've grown old. But I keep forgetting you were too."


"Your brat. Always. Rest now, Jiujiu."

Jin Ling was also 45 when his Jiujiu last heard him say "I love you."
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