I've been so focused on healing that I haven't had much time to really be involved on Twitter the past few days. It always makes me sad to notice, though, that my tweets focusing on positivity get very little engagement while those focusing on problems get lots. That says so much
I think we need to collectively reflect on why this is. Why have we trained ourselves to water the weeds instead of the flowers, to use a phrase @ZivaMeditation introduced me to. Why we are giving more of our energy and ourselves to anger and pain than to gratefulness and love.
What does that do to our brains? If we're all addicted to social media, as more and more evidence suggests, how is concentrated negativity giving us dopamine rushes? Can we turn this sadomasochism around so social media becomes a salve for our pain instead of salt in our wounds?
I'm not sure, but I certainly hope so. We need more positivity, more reminders that this planet we live on is miraculous and unique - and that our lives on this planet, in turn, are also miraculous and unique. Even if all we have is just air in our lungs, that is beautiful.
That's not to say we shouldn't ask for more, especially on a planet so full of abundance and wonder, and, more practically, on a planet where we've somehow found ourselves globally justifying why a few people have all the money and resources at the rest of the world's expense.
However, without gratitude and gratefulness for even the smallest joys, we all risk becoming Jeff Bezoses and Elon Musks and Mark Zuckerbergs - people for whom the billions they have are never enough, for whom the world can only be viewed in profit and loss margins.
People for whom the idea of giving to others is riddled with mistrust and prejudice, for whom giving up control is worse than giving up your life. People who think that every waking second should be sacrificed to the gods of capitalism and extraction and joy is a distraction.
Why do we aspire to this? We don't have to. We have the power, collectively, to force the changes we want - wealth redistribution, abolishing prisons, defunding police, redesigning broken education and mental health systems. All we need to do is ***focus on solutions.***
These are not meant to be criticisms of anyone in particular, so please don't take them personally. Everything I notice in others I notice first in myself. I'm never going to be perfect or even necessarily in a position to propose solutions. But I do think we can turn this around
And I really want to. And I think you might, too. So let's turn it around, together.
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