Hey, remember when the Panama Papers were released and they showed how basically every wealthy person on the planet was avoiding taxes by offshoring their money and nothing was done about it except the reporter who broke the story was murdered with a car bomb?
For everyone surprised...yes: https://twitter.com/philnista/status/1310405303968632833
For everyone saying this isn’t particularly original...yes: https://twitter.com/lyonkyrin/status/1310424738553122816
For everyone saying, “aCkSHullY sOMeoNE dId Go tO jAIl” yeah, one accountant 4 years later, psshht https://twitter.com/kaludiasays/status/1310405203032764418
Apparently I was misinformed by articles that linked one journalist to the Panama Papers. I’m not sure what all the connections here are, but this person was part of the team that broke the story and won a Pulitzer for their work: https://twitter.com/b_obermayer/status/1310446123098742786
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