Please take your time and go through this thread. Thank you 🙏🏾 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾. #JusticeForGloriaBambo
This is just disturbing. An innocent black woman was found hanging in her garage back in July by her White roommate. it was later on ruled as a suicide. How on earth did that even happen. She was missing for 3 days!! If you stay in Texas you know how hot it is. So the body didn’t
Smell at all???For three days in summer heat in Texas???Now there’s a video which shows her roommate and his friends hanging her. It’s so sad to see how she struggled. She was just 20 years old for Christ sake💔💔💔She had so much ahead of her. Her life was just starting.
We were literally the same age. The Black woman is the most UNDERRATED , UNAPPRECIATED and UNPROTECTED species on this planet and it’s really sad. We’re always in front when it comes to others but nobody is there to fight for us but US!!!
This beautiful woman needs justice. Please retweet this so your mutuals are aware. I know I don’t have a lot of followers but I know I can count on you guys. Let her name be know. Let’s get her name trending #JusticeForGloriaBambo
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