Parents with narcissistic tendencies

Will leave you alternately attracting

And violently rejecting

Emotionally barren relationships
The inner child who still wants to be seen in the light of love

Convinces us love can be forced out of rejection

Because that’s how we grew up

Shrinking ourselves when our parents needed everything for them

Then forcing them to see us in ways they couldn’t ignore
Feeling under nourished in the very nest you’re supposed to grow in

Gives you weak unsteady wings when it’s time to fly

As uncomfortable as the nest is

With the harshness of feeling unwanted

It’s still less scary than leaping into the unknown

On wings withered from neglect
The magic of wings tho

Is the more they’re used

The stronger they get

And even awkward clumsy flight gets you further than just walking would
So practice taking off

Whenever you can

Away from one sided conversations

And people who bully away your opinions

Even just a tiny leap

A minor adjustment in your reactions

Leaves enough room for the Universe to swoop in and lift you up
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