How broke is Donald Trump?

Trump is so broke he's going to have to go to KFC and lick other people's fingers.

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How broke is Donald Trump?

Trump is so broke he can only afford to get Stephen Miller to spank him now, with his copy of Mein Kampf.

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How broke is Donald Trump?

Trump is so broke he makes Liddle Lindsey Graham recycle his disposable Depends.

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How broke is Donald Trump?

Trump is so broke he couldn't afford a public defender and had to use Rudy Giuliani instead.

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How broke is Donald Trump?

Trump is so broke he's trying to trade his plane for two jet packs - one for each butt cheek.

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How broke is Donald Trump?

Trump is so broke Putin is thinking about trading his debt and some naked pictures of Trump, to Devin Nunes, for his 6ft x 6ft farm.

Please feel free to deposit your "Trump is so broke" jokes in this thread.
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