Indisputable: Trump faced financial disaster in 2015 when he came down that elevator. Cohen said Trump's idea was to run for president to up his brand, not win. It was a con. But he won.

So what was he to do? He temporarily solved his financial troubles by conning America...
...and making *US* pay *HIM* with out taxes. That is why there are all these reports about Secret Service staying at Trump properties, military staying at Trump properties, him trying to push there G6 onto a Trump property. Just grabbing cash, much of it ours, to bail out his...
...endless business incompetence. Then, the ultimate grift: Lobbyists and foreign government pouring cash into Trump's hotels, golf courses, etc, all to curry favor with the world's crookedest and most incompetent businessman. THIS is what it is all about. THIS is what the con...
...has been from the get-go: Papering over his losses by sucking tax money, lobbying money, and cash from foreign governments into his pocket. Using Barr to block the disclosure of his corruption. Using Mnuchin to prevent reality from crashing down through the IRS, obstructing...
...Congress, state prosecutors and everyone else who could, at any time, reveal the world's most diabolical scam. He sold out America to ease the financial catastrophe he created through his bad business.

He didn't *drain* the swamp. He bathed in it.
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