First of all, thank you for listening! Second of all, there's a stark difference between "I was disappointed by the number of lines ____ had in this song" and "BH is a sht company for doing this to ____ and I'm going to harass them and drag them til they listen to me".+
What a lot of people—both solos and non-solos—don't want to accept is that line distribution cannot be fixed by email templates. Why? Because at this point, whatever music is released by BTS has been run by and okayed by all the members. But no one wants to hear that.+
The reason why solos/mantis don't want to hear that is because they operate under the basis that their fave needs to be saved. So if the members come out and say "xyz was completely our decision", it nullifies their entire existence.+
Solos want to control the narrative, to twist things around to suit their tinfoil hat theories. So when they're shot down because a member admits that they're content with something, what do they do? They add their own flair and claim that they were forced to say that.+
Anyway, before I totally get carried away and make a whole thread without answering your question, I believe that freedom of speech is important. But when it overrides someone else's freedom, then that's where we should draw the line.+
Yes, if you were to look at it from a business perspective, a customer should be able to express their unhappiness with a product, but BTS' music is so much more than a "product". It's art, and they don't just create it for the viewers, they create it for themselves too.+
So yes, if a song comes out, then in my mind, this is what BTS wants to show me. And, while I can critique art (respectfully), it's not my place to change how the art is created. Just as you are free to look, you are also free to look away.
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