$750. I pay more in a single paycheck. Not smart. Not a leader. He is who he has been every day of his entire life, a fraud. #TrumpTaxes #trumptaxfraud #TrumpTaxCheat
And what gets me even angrier is this is a distraction from stealing another Supreme Court seat...
And that was a distraction from the 200k+ coronavirus deaths...
And that overshadowed the millions of jobs lost...
And that kept us from thinking about the completely just impeachment and how all but one Republican couldn't stand up for what was right...
Oh and that's just an oversimplification of 2020. Let's not forget the greatest hits from 2019 and earlier which included children in cages, the xenophobic Muslim ban, the corrupt appointments that tear down our institutions..
"shithole countries", being laughed out of the U.N., "caravans" that only go away with elections, misappropriating funds for a border wall that's ineffective and unjust...
Trying to take away insurance from millions, paying off affairs, openly seeking Russian meddling in our elections, legitimizing Kim Jong Un and getting nothing in return...
Alienating long standing allies, pointlessly lying about a hurricane's projected path, thinking that raking sticks will solve wildfires...
Throwing papertowels but not desperately needed funding to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria...
Talking about his penis size during a debate, stealing $$ from his relatives or charities...
Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran Deal, making all of us and our children less safe for generations...
Creating a dumb as fuck space force, completely disrespecting the military and it's soldiers...
Enriching himself with your tax dollars by spending months of his presidency at his private businesses...
Oh and don't forget bitherism, grabbing them by the....
And last and most certainly least, taking up my time with this thread which still doesn't even scratch the surface of his lack of character, corruption, lying and general unfitness for what WAS the most respected office in the most revered country in the world.
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