Unpopular opinion I have back up somewhat by the research : Children in interracial adoptions often suffer worse outcomes. And this kids should be adopted by the same race in most cases. If you are going to adopt a child of a different race you need to make (con’t in comments) https://twitter.com/jennybethm/status/1310303396193157120
Sure that you do what you can to immerse them into their original culture. Understand you will never get what all they go through. Have a grasp on critical race theory. And realize and be prepared to help them with any negative internalization they have from your familial set up
Just because this woman has adopted kids from Haiti doesn’t mean jack. We don’t know how she talks to them and about them in regards to their homeland. The history of Haiti. We also don’t know if they immerse them in their culture whatsoever. Or how their other children are...
Taught to address their differences from their siblings or how to react if someone says something racist or otherwise to them. Anyone can adopt a child. But what about everything else. White woman adopt ethnic kids all the time as shields for their bad behavior or lack of racial
Awareness. Children aren’t tokens. So I’m going to need Republicans to not use them as such for their arguments for why she’s such a great pick for the Supreme Court.
As someone who’s adopted and done an undergraduate thesis on this topic please come correct if you come for me in this thread at all
These stories are just two of the reasons I’m very very wary when white women go find children in other parts of the world to adopt but have truly no connection or have done no real work for those communities here
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