I will never forget this convo between me & my ex:

Me: sex is weird dude, I don't think I could ever do it myself & it makes ne uncomfy..I might honestly b ace, maybe?

Her: You're def not ace cus ur like too horny. You're probs demi tbh

That was the Moment I was so confused. I was questioning already and for her to tell me that made me question what I knew about myself and being asexual. You don't get to fucking determine someone sexuality. You're disgusting if you try to.(+)
Asexuality is a spectrum, I'm not a sex repulsed ace, I don't care about sex, I could go without it. You don't get to tell anyone who they are or what they can and cannot identify as. Especially not when you have no idea what the fuck you're on about.(+)
I'm sorry for this thread all of a sudden but I needed to fucking complain. Aphobes DNI, fuck off. Aces who put down sex positive aces DNI You're rancid.(+)

Aces and aros who are vibing, ily, remember you're loved, I know y'all ain't robots <3(+)
Ppl who are questioning, it's okay to take your time, it's okay to be confused. Don't let anyone try to rush you, you determine your own sexuality(+)

And non aces who just wanna learn; please please please, do ur research, speak with other aro/aces and learn from them
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