1/n On one hand, I know the the NYT tax story is huge. It confirms and adds detail to what we knew all along about Trump's finances and criminal activity. And it might potentially sway some undecided voters, which could be decisive if the race is close.
2/n But holy crap is it depressing. Not only the story itself. Not just knowing what kind of depraved, selfish person Trump is. Not just the understanding that the highest office in the land is held by someone who laughs at the very idea of public service.
3/n For me, the real depressing part is how many millions of people support him anyway. Knowing that he's racist. Knowing he's a crook. Knowing that he's a fraud. Knowing that he has a moral compass even more broken than that of Mr. Potter or Nurse Ratched.
4/n It's depressing that people support him not despite those things but because of them. Because he hates the same people they do. Because he promises to harm people they hate. Because he flaunts democracy, fair play, and decency. Because all he cares about is power and wealth.
5/n It's depressing to know that there are not just a few, not a handful, not even a stadium full, but tens or even a hundred million of people who support this man. Who chose him to lead this country. Who want him to continue on the path he has set.
6/n To me, every story like the one the NYT released tonight is just a reminder that a huge number of Americans support a monster. Willingly, eagerly support him. That nothing could come out, no new depravity that gets revealed, can shake them of that support.
7/n I don't have a larger point. I'm just tired of it all. I know I'm not the only one. I just...I wish people were better to each other. That they supported policies and candidates who are kind. That we could focus our political divisions on good-faith disagreement over...
8/8 ...the best ways to life easier for the largest # of people. That NYT story, to me, is a reminder of just how far we are from that.
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