gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces (tropical & sidereal placements) ; you are limiting yourself more than you know. youre thinking from a place of lack, “i dont have enough, this isnt going well” and from a place of need, “i need this to be happy, i need this (1/9)
relationship to feel something.” the same things you are wishing for are being blocked by your feelings of lack and insecurity, you dont feel safe within yourself right now and you’re hoping that outside sources and external factors will make you “feel something” again. (2/9)
in this moment, you need to pause and check in on your ego, your hiding the truth from self (and even those around you); there’s a lot of outward energy and external focus when you need to look within yourself and focus on what’s weighing on you personally. there’s so much (3/9)
expecting and wanting but not much truth and creating. maybe the stagnancy you’re feeling is for a good reason, to figure yourself out and declutter your mind and the world around you. what’s stopping you is you feel like you wont receive but on the outside, (4/9)
you’re acting like everything is okay. open up to yourself, stop letting your ego be your biggest hater, there needs to be a release (maybe some of you need to surrender) and a n acceptance of truth. you want things to come to you, but how are you making them happen? (5/9)
for a lot of you, this relates to your love life and career goals, you want and the wants are specific (a lot of you can’t let go of someone and wanting a relationship to happen when it has run its course). what you want can be, you want love right? (6/9)
step out of your ego then, surrender. love can easily make its way to you but you have to stop holding on expecting it to come from this direction. let go, know it will come and it will. rather than forcing your wishes to come, surrender and know that what (7/9)
you desire will be. your journey and present situation will be much more favorable when you release and surrender, declutter your mind, and remember that you are in complete control of you even when the world around you is going through its own shit. your life is. (8/9)
dont force and have faith. sometimes everything we desire is already here, we just have to get out of our head thinking about what it “should” look like. (9/9)
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