My 1st dollar online.

No mailing list.
No active audience.
No content engagement.
Not much idea what I am actually doing.

A transparent thread on productising myself with @storytellaxo
I acheived my 1st $ online with thoughts like I am:

Worthless compared to @naval.
Stupid compared to @david_perell
Hopeless compared to @jackbutcher
Insignifcant compared to @mkobach

Our opinions of ourselves are irrelevant when it comes to taking action.
I have doubted myself the past month more than ever:

Can't network like with @brandonthezhang
Can't pre-sale like @stephsmithio
Can't charge $2000 like @RobbieCrab
Can't build community like @rosiesherry

My high school insecurities have returned on Twitter.
These are the results of my first month growing my own paid community.
Direct outreach is a hard slog at a price point of $99 per year.
I got 6 months to work it out before my cash runs out.
Nobody said this was going to be easy.
At this moment this is all I know.
1% conversion.
Here's a little personal history to give context.

Law school grad. $50,000 bullshit peice of paper hey @petertheil?
Founder of PLGRM at age 20 — a documentary brand.
Producer of 75+ originals.
12,000 youtube subs.
Millions of views.

By age 25, I want to delete it all.

Feeling like a loser compared to @shanesmith + @vice
Make 2 failed TV show pilots.
Burned out self-funding original docs.
Bored doing big branded content deals.
Spend nearly two years not publishing anything.
Get a job in sales and spend a year in self-recovery.

Universe gifts me access to @visualizevalue productisation community.
Met @harrydry inside and hear about his kayne west story.
Realise I had spent 27 years running from my own story.

I sit down. I get quiet. I write.
I write my story.

I bleed on the page.
I realise my story is the story of millions of creators.
150 words a day for 14 days. The first time I had ever written anything either.
No training. No research. Pure intuition.
A proof of work is born.

Storytella is the ephiphany.
I build my baby.

Rebrand PLGRM to Storytella.
Purchase domain 
Register global trademarks. Spend 50% of my money.
No product, content or community market fit yet.
I go off my gut instinct.

Idiotic or genius? Time will tell.
Still no idea what I am doing.

I build my own site (not a web guy)
I design my own assets, brand and content (not a designer)
I launch my first series of blog posts (not a blogger)
I set up and automate a flow for my paid community
My goal.

1000 members in 12 months
100 members in 90 days
25 members in first 30 days.

My result.
7 members.
5 continents.
27 days.
At my 1% outreach conversion rate.
I will have to personally invite 100,000 members.

Yesterday. Meltdown that I have no idea what I am doing
Today. Celebration that I made my first $ online.
Tommorow. The universe will show me smarter way.
The point of this thread?

I am taking action regardless of my self-opinion.
I am getting up at the crack of dawn daily to start writing.
I am back in the game after many years out.
I am the most alive I have ever been.

In the face of failure.

Tell your story in all its glory.
You can follow @kristianmichail.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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