In 2016 the nation was stunned by the results of the #Presidential election How the fuck had a campaign that was kicked off with a ridiculous escalator entrance by a reality show host defeated a political dynasty?

In one word: #data


The Republican party under @realDonaldTrump has embraced data driven #digitalmarketing wholeheartedly. They’ve hired to exploit it and done it exceedingly well. They’ve also taken the data and applied outside of the online realm (think ground game).
Data and Ground Game:

Trump’s team took the data they had learned through digital marketing and applied it to their ground game. With this data he focused on the Rustbelt States (States @HillaryClinton thought were safely in her corner).
Not only did Trump hold Rustbelt rallies, his message was focused on the people who religiously show up to vote- the older and blue-collar whites, evangelical Christians & non-urban voters who were concerned about the economy and, let’s call a spade a spade, just a little #racist
So this brings me to today. Did the #Democrats learn anything?

Short answer is not much.

If the data holds, I think our nation is going to have another “stunning defeat.”

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