*pulls out a scroll* well

the game is literally just a cash grab, like the plot is a mess and they treat the stories and characters horribly. none of them are well developed in canon- fanon does it all.
they treat free players like garbage and use popular characters to get more https://twitter.com/bioomingiouis/status/1310325805625401345
people to buy things. not to mention every time you open the app (unless i’m just missing how to shut it off) shit pops up to buy things.
the fandom is a mess with incest, pedophilia, sexual assault (?) discussion thrown around and more drama than i’ve seen in any otome fandom.
so the plot, tell me one character thats well developed. or more developed than kiro, akechi, 707- a character that has layers, motivation and a fully written past.

beel and lucifer are the closest and they aren’t treated great they’re just used as cash cows w/ mammon
speaking of mammon: i think probably the best part of the game is him and mc.
lucy and belphie’s relationships with mc are uncomfortable af because they start basically due to the fact they’re descendants? reincarnations? of whats her face
also WHAT was the part where mc dies when they go back in time it made no sense and was forgotten about right after it happened. not to mention everyone just instantly loved them? it was like how in otomes mc’s randomly “fix” characters but in a not-exactly mental health way.
also the kiss scenes being IN the main story rather than in the side stories/card stories makes no sense- it completely side tracks the story.

not to mention the event stories are the same thing over and over i started just skipping through them
I HAVE SO MANY ISSUES WITH THIS GAME BUT ESPECIALLY THE FUCKING MONEY 9.99 for vip when it barely does anything for you? and mammon, lucy and beel stans (especially free players) could probs never get every card bc the money for pulls
still stan mammon, belphie and satan
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