A lot of people are confused on what Kaliacc actually is.

What is Kaliacc?
Learn all about the new eastern spiritual movement inspiring by teen girls everywhere to diet with a mixture of 90s heroin chic and Asian pop culture aesthetics!
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1. Kaliacc from a teen girls perspective

To me Kaliaccism is a school of thought in which I and other people part of the community can freely share ideas on our perception of the Vedas, astrology (western and sidereal), personal identity, and our relationship with the universe
It is a community where We can express our ideas freely without being silenced!

All we want is to have the world be in its natural orderā€” equality for all!

We are interested in blood history, ancient migration, non 21st century contaminated nutrition, and primitivism.
We are not interested in mean people!!!!!!!!!!!
#kaliacc is accelerationism infused with vedism/daoism and tainted by Proto-indo-euro mythology & Proto-indo-Iranian religion

#kaliacc is largely apolitical

#kaliacc is what you get when you sharpen the blade against the modern worldā€™s ideas on race, traditions and nutrition
2. Kaliacc spiritual beliefs

Kaliacc is mainly focused on Animism, edism, paganism, Zen Buddhism, and daoismā€” reincarnation and spiritual essence is usually a main topic of philisophical conversation šŸ¦¦
There is a bit of confusion with thinking that kaliacc is a right wing, neo Nazi group..... how curious! Thereā€™s no evidence that we are a neo Nazi group except through Chinese whsipers.. I donā€™t get it ...

We just want to see the earth happy..
#kaliacc believes in caste and reincarnation

#kaliacc is not a neo Nazi group, in fact a lot of us are socialist leaningā€” even anarchist leaning

#kaliacc are hated by right wingers.

#kaliacc opts for a future where the Earth is at its maximum level of health & peacefulness
3. Diet

The main principle of kaliacc nutrition is that nutrition requirements are geneticā€” there is no one size fits all!!!

There are no ā€˜rulesā€™ because we are not a cult! Trust your gut, trust your instinct, eat foods that make you feel and look your best
#kaliacc want people to understand their station in life to be truly happy. Take this however you want to.......

#kaliacc loves everyone ^_^ we want people to be the best physical and emotional version of themselves, and try and help them get there
5. Belief on caste and race

Kaliacc believe in the reincarnation based on the karma of your current lifeā€” this puts everyone in a spiritual caste, unrelated to money; some people are followers; some are leaders! If u follow ur natural caste, you'll be content in life.
It is your job to figure out what it is that you are naturally best at doing.

Never listen to your mind!
Listen to your gut!

You will excel at life by doing this.
#kaliacc believes there is room for everyone

#kaliacc wants all peoples to leave in harmony

#kaliacc believes all people have fixed strengths and weaknesses

#kaliacc endorses follwoing your gut instinct as it NEVER LIES!!
6. The roles of men and women

Some Kaliacc opinions differ from othersā€” itā€™s a diverse group of people coming together under a diverse range of beliefs!
Some believe gender doesnā€™t exist and it is all energy; some believe that gender roles need to be strictly enforced.
All beliefs and personal judgements are never relative between 2 people.

However, the theory that yin is female and yang is male is widely accepted.

They balance eachother outā€” they are seemingly opposite yet interconnected.
Thus yin and yang (female and male) are always opposites yet always possess equal qualities.
#kaliacc believes people of all race, nationality and gender compliment one another

#kaliacc believes everyone has strengths and weaknesses

#kaliacc does not judge your past thinking!
7. Thinspo and eating disorders

Kaliacc has gained quite a bit of traction for being a ā€˜thinspo cultā€™. Quite the oppositeā€” lots of us, especially the teenage girls like me, are simply wanting to live a life where we can present ourselves as best as possible.
This is not to say all of us have eating disorders or scroll through miles of thinspo per day.

Just like every human in the universe we want to look our best.

If you think that the goals we are working towards for confidence-ā€˜thinspoā€™- makes us a ā€˜anorexic cultā€™..get therapy!
#kaliacc have goals, just as everyone does, to acheive best emotional, spiritual and physical appearance

#kaliacc does not endorse eating disorders

#kaliacc does not endorse unhealthy eating

#kaliacc does not endorse unhealthy weights/BMIā€™s
8. Dispelling rumours

Rumours about kaliacc being a right wing fascist eating disorder promoting cult have been flying around lately, and to that I have to say: Iā€™m confused!

We are a peaceful community... there are some better and worse morally than others.
No one can control what a small minority of kali people do. The so called ā€˜cultā€™ never had existed. These are rumours with no evidence.

Let people practice their peaceful spirituality alone!

We are not affiliated with any other community. Thanks ..
#kaliacc is a community of cuties!

#kaliacc is a peaceful union of men and women interested in spirituality, THATS it!

#kaliacc community has been hurt by these vicious rumours

#kaliacc community always supports our friends in the community
#kaliacc is what miya left us with...

Miya sacrificed herself for you, yes YOU so you too could become Miya. Do you not understand?
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