People who espouse anti-Brahminism will attack Brahmin men verbally but the defenseless Brahmins (elderly, women, children, young brahmacharis) physically. I want to espouse the virtues of Brahmin men based on my personal experiences with them as a way of countering anti...
Brahmin rhetoric. I have had positive experiences with Brahmin men as a whole. Not everyone will have the same experiences I have had. I understand that. So please don't take this thread as a type of insult. It honestly is not meant to be like that. I am just surprised that...
People have poor experiences with Brahmin men. 1.) Brahmin men are incredibly hard working. I know personally of Brahmin men who work even during times of severe illness and stress. Work always comes first. 2.) Brahmin men are very caring. When I was working away from home, I...
Shared an apartment with my immediate family member. Whenever I did not feel well, he would take good care of me. For example, when it was the time of the month, I did not feel like cooking. Since I avoid over-medicating, my family member would make soup, lemonade, and fill up...
My hot water bottle. He would handle the meals and make sure I was comfortable. He even would turn off the lights in the room. He took care of me like a child even though he was a teenager and I was an adult. I told him, "I am older than you, you don't need to worry." When I am..
In university, I have to do all the chores and even more work, right? For me, it is not a big deal. However, he would do everything without being asked. My male relatives are all the same way. They are very caring. I haven't had any issues with them. 3.) Brahmin men are forward..
Thinking. All the women in my family who were able to be educated are educated. I have many women in my family who hold Ph.D.s and M.D.s. They were encouraged to study well by their fathers, brothers, and husbands. Education is very important for Brahmins. Respect is also...
Important for Brahmins. I never saw physical abuse in my home. I never saw it in my grandparents' home. Even if my parents argue, they use funny insults versus actually fighting. If respect is cultivated at the parental level, you will see children being respectful. My great-...
Grandmother was half Saraswat Brahmin/half Anglo Indian. My great-grandfather married her even though there was a lot of pressure on him not to marry her. He treated her well, and they had a loving marriage. When he passed away, my grandmother kept her head shaved and wore...
White sarees out of mourning. She stopped shavingg her hair because one of my aunts is a social justice warrior type person, so my aunt kept saying, "This is Brahminical patriarchy. You shouldn't do this." My great-grandmother truly loved my great-grandfather. My great-grand...
Father judged my great-grandmother's character, not the circumstances of her birth. And I think most if not all Brahmins are good at doing this. 4(?).) Brahmin men love learning different skills. Most of the men in my family are handymen, and they also cook and clean. They...
Will always help around the house. They are very family oriented men. All the men in my family are nice with kids. They are not cursing types. They are always gentlemanly. 5.) Brahmins are interested in preserving and teaching Santana Dharma in the purest way. I am not...
Knowledgeable, but I do have a Brahmin rakhi brother who I can text if I need help understanding something. He works long hours as a surgeon, but he is honestly a phone call away if I need help. 6.) Brahmin men are very brave. In my family home, there is an unwritten rule that...
We should not kill animals. My father catches insects and other critters who come in with his hands and releases them into the yard. He won't kill any living creature. Just because Brahmin men tend to be compassionate and nonviolent doesn't mean that they are weak. Compassion...
Comes from a place of strength.
I have never seen the evidence of the evils of "Brahminical patriarchy" in my life. I have seen the evils of invasion and colonization. Brahmin men and women fought against invasion and colonization. The defenseless Brahmins are the ones...
Hurt when strong Brahmins don't stand up for them. And for this, I mean children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Brahmins did not cause the problems. Brahmins tried to prevent the problems. I won't allow anti-Brahminism to persist on my TL.
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