It really is. And the White savior is the oldest racist idea. It emanates from the first book of racist ideas finished in 1453, a bio of Prince Henry's pioneering transatlantic slave trading of African people. Henry enslaved to save souls (and not make money), G. Zurara wrote.
The White savior idea is literally 567 years old, at least. It is so deeply held, so widespread, no wonder there was such a visceral and angry reaction to my challenging that racist idea; my challenging the fallacy that the White savior is "not racist."
And the White savior idea informs what I call "savior theology." That the job of the Christian is to save all those backward, savage, lowly humans. Thank God I learned liberation theology. That the job of the Christian is to liberate oppressed peoples from their oppression.
And savior theology informs racism.

And liberation theology informs antiracism.

Are we trying to save people from their own inferiority? Or, are we trying liberate people from oppressive power and policy?

In the Christianity that I know, Jesus was a revolutionary.
Whether we are thinking about this from a religious or secular perspective, the question remains the same: What or who is the cause of group inequality?

Inferiority of certain groups?

Or, the systems and structures and policies and powers that's oppressing them?
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