okay Lundegaang we're starting and we're starting BIG. worst/best/craziest of YouTube let's goooooo
of all the places in the world, the comment sections on Happy Days videos are the most fascinating:
a personal favorite from my collection
magic ✹
cw // drug mention

for my fellow Michael J Fox/80s lovers 😍
everybody gangsta until Joseph Stalin offers free hugs
cw // homophobia

the one that inspired me to start this entire thread
this one's great because it's really versatile (the song in question is House Of Jansch by Donovan btw)
a classic submitted by @TheTerrorrama
while all of these are..... weird.... i have to say this gem from a Happy Days scene really takes the cake
okay i think that's it for tonight so far but feel free to DM submissions and stuff!
okay how did my tweet asking if people wanted to see this thread get more likes than the thread itself 💀
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