alright, let's do another one.

1 like = one thing from my fantasy world.
ever since the god of nature was slain, the forces of nature have gone mad. now called the Wilds, the ever-shifting landscape of the natural world is filled with many creatures that have adapted to their bizarre surroundings.
the so-called bounds of civilization are constantly under siege, struggling to defend their last outposts. once, they lived in vast flying cities where they could be safe from the Wilds. now, only the last, the Bastion, still flies.
the humans, which nominally control the Bastion, are gradually fading into history. cursed by the Sealed God, a mysterious entity about which little is known, humans die suddenly at about 30 years of age. desperate, they have invited other beings to live amongst them.
chief among these:
dwarves, mostly shield dwarves, a stout folk formed by their god Myrddin from rock.
drakan, a mysterious philosophically concerned people who wander the earth.
orcs, the rebellious warriors who slew their own god and now wish to spread the truth of atheism.
goblins, the twisted kin of the orcs who refused to serve their war god in years long past.
treants, the shards of the dead god of nature, who work by inscrutable means to enact some barely-understood plan.
elves, pseudo-immortals despised for subservience to the lords of faerie.
to keep the bastion in the air, adventurers are sent out to the loot the corpse of their world, scavenging the graveyards of long forgotten peoples for the mysterious crystal that keeps the dream of civilization alive. the few who return bring back wild tales of impossible lands.
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