My guiding principles for practicing Twitter pest control:

-Nobody is entitled to your time and attention.

-It's your right to choose who you engage with.

-Blocking disingenuous assholes is not censorship, whether they're obviously abusive or not.
-Whataboutism and sealioning isn't debate.

-You don't owe anything to people who are arguing in bad faith.

-If blocking dicks means you are curating an "echo chamber" so be it. This is a social media site, not the Pnyx of Athens.

-Unfollow whenever, for whatever reasons.
-If you see someone engaging in abuse, harassment, or other bad behavior, feel free to pre-emptively block.

-It's okay to block someone just because they annoy you or make you uncomfortable.

-If someone with a large platform/blue check sends trolls your way, block them ALL.
-In fact, just because someone has a blue check doesn't mean you can't block them for whatever reason. Verification doesn't come with an unrestricted license to be shitty.

-You can lock your account too for any reason. Your privacy is entirely your decision.
You get to curate your own experience. You don't have to justify that either, esp if it means tolerating behavior that hurts you. If you hesitate to block/mute/unfollow someone who is making your life shittier, don't.

Time and energy are too scarce to let bastards steal them.
You can follow @angie_rasmussen.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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