Winter is coming.

As we face up to it, can we be as open and detailed about COVID-19 hospital admission and death data as we are about case rates?

Here's a thread on why I think that would be a good idea... (1/6)
First, two areas with exactly the same case rates will not necessarily have the same admission/death rates.

For example, the admission/death rate will also depend on other factors, such as how many older or clinically vulnerable people are infected. (2/6)
Second, data on case rates no longer resonate.

We can argue all day about the 'false positives' and how much of a prat David Icke is.

But rising infection rates are now often met with a resounding "am I bovvered?" and no amount of epi explanations will change that now. (3/6)
Third, admissions and deaths DO resonate.

Even David Icke can't argue that rising death rates aren't a problem or simply "due to more testing".

OK, maybe he can - but you get my point. Most people understand a stark reality when they see it. (4/6)
Fourth, it's about honesty.

Public trust in the management of COVID-19 through this winter will depend on people feeling informed.

And don't give me any old codswhallop about not causing unnecessary panic.

If you want to panic people - keep them in the dark. (5/6)
So let's do it. Let's publish daily data on admissions and deaths. And by local area - not by hospital trust or region.

If we trust the public with that info then I think we'll be able to trust them to react positively and act accordingly.

There endeth the threadeth. (6/6)
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