My partner and I binged the last 5 episodes of Ted Lasso last night pretty much crying and laughing and holding hands through each episode and I guess what I’m saying is I’m gonna try to be at least 1% of Ted every day
Ted Lasso is a striking show for our time.

I can’t say emphasize how important this show is for men and how much of a complex, inspiring role model Ted and the entire cast - not just the men in it - are.
Adults grow in it. They admit they’re afraid. It’s realistic - change doesn’t happen instantly. It grows in you. It’s hard.

People don’t like it, and so they’re met with safety and acceptance. They take little steps and support each other.
It shows adults acting out - behaving angrily, vindictively and meanly. Acting that way because of hurt or something someone did to them that was hurtful.

And that behavior is understood. It’s ok to feel that way. And we also own the consequences of our actions.
People forgive and it’s heartfelt and it’s not sappy. There’s so much goddamn realistic character growth in this show. People apologize in a fake way and then a few episodes later it’s heartfelt.
One character is asked for their opinion and launches into a quick monologue about how they’re scared that their opinion is stupid, they’ll get rejected, they’ll lose their job, have to move back in with their parents.


Ted believes in the guy.
“Do you have an opinion? Do you have a thought about this? Is it yours, and do you think it’s true? Then tell me. It’s just an *opinion*.”

I mean, COME. ON.
EVERY single person in the show is a complex character with depth, whether they have one line or fifty, one word per line (COACH BEARD! I LOVE YOU!), whether they present as a superficial girlfriend or a grey suit wearing square (Higgins! YOUR BEARD! I LOVE YOU!)
My partner and I have been in counseling for the last few years.

I was terrified about going. When she first brought it up, I pretty much felt suicidal. It meant I had failed so much.
I went, and we go every two weeks now. It’s not fun. It’s working and has brought us so much closer.

Just in the past year I started to really accept that my life wouldn’t be over, that everything wouldn’t be over if we separated.

And oh my god this show.
If you think this show is a zany comedy like Ned Flanders Hey Didddly Does Football, then you’re wrong.

It’s not about a dumb guy coaching football being an idiot.

It’s more like a hundred thousand dollars of therapy every person needs that’s every emotion you have.
EVERY single person (well maybe apart from fucking RUPERT) grows on this show. Jamie! My god, Jamie! And like others have said, Roy!

So many different kinds of people, all valid, all figuring their own shit out.

This is the real deal.
If you’re scared of something of how people see you or who you’re supposed to be and not living up to expectations... I’m going to try this today.

If you have a kid in your life, ask them to shut their eyes and describe you.
One thing is love to see in season 2 is more diversity in orientation. Keely in particular comes across as perfectly happy with her own sexuality and non-judgmental, but I do think at some point (and I’m optimistic!) the show will start talking about homophobia and TERFyness
Wait, also, OMG

We all know what kind of job Nate’s going to have in a few years, right?
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