// tw dec18th 1/3

babywols who started stanning in 2018 joined the fanbase already aware of what happened. shawols before then had to deal with the shock as well as the grief. knowing and losing a person is much different to knowing a person after they have already passed.
2/3 it's not hateful or intended to be divisive to draw a line between shawols who never had to come to terms with the disbelieve and hurt of the time surrounding jonghyun's passing and those who did. it doesn't make you less of a fan to have come to love jonghyun after he passed
3/3 but it does mean that you have to exercise more sensitivity around the subject than you feel is necessary. you have never known a shinee world with jonghyun, and you will never be able to feel the loss that came with his death. accept that & try not to be flippant abt him.
that doesn't mean you can't mourn him or feel sad he's not here. but your experience is different to someone who was here when it happened. older shawols can't pretend to know how you feel either. it works both ways
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