I kind of feel obligated to address this issue here, probably because I am(was) a fanfic writer myself. Personally, I am 100% aware that I'm writing about real person with my own alternations. I had also asked myself where I should draw the line. Though my works do not contain
any oversensitive content, such as mature or gore, and I seldom consume them, it's just my personal choice. Honestly I don't think creators should be "banned" from producing mature contents. And it's not solely a matter of free will or freedom. If you care about the matter of
consent to this extent, then we should stop creating ALL forms of creative work, let it be mature or not. Even shippers have been posing contents with imaginations of real people being couples. The main problem, to me at the very least, is about how these works are consumed -
these works can be "dangerous" because there are always people who cannot tell reality and fictions apart. Fandom twitter has this secretive side and fans have learned to not associate real artists with their fanfics and art works. Of course, there have been very "spicy" works
circulating around without any warnings - which I find troubling as well, but then if you have to take this to a point where you are literally bullying content creators into deactivating, you are no better than people you think you are condemning. Or let me be blunt here:
there will always be a group of people who yearn for these contents and there will be creators who deliver. The real question here is, can they keep this to themselves? I don't know......But we can all do better.
Before policing people's actions, ask yourselves: what are the damages they are causing? Who are they harming? How can these damages be undone? How are you better than this then? You can't always fight fire with fire.
To be perfectly honest, many artists have been playing into this imaginary shipping thing with all their "fan services" as well. So it's really tough to just tell everyone to stop shipping once and for all.
With that being said, I still have much respect to all talented content creators out there who generously share their works with us literally FOR FREE while they spend hours and days on their works.
some Day 2 thoughts: about the representation of f/uta in fictions and art, it IS undoubtedly problematic as it is bungling up real life transgender/sexual as well as lesbian identities. And I would agree that one of the biggest problems here.
I'm not in the position to say what exactly we should all do. But then it is the very least we can do to have a conversation about this together instead of just plain witch-hunting and cyberbullying. Again, yes, we are talking about real people, and we are all real people too.
So are lesbians, so are transgender folks, so are intersex folks. And right now, how are they being represented in our creative works, not just fan-made ones? I guess we all have some responsibility in this as both creators and consumers.
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