Yikes. Scottish Government confirms that students whose family home is in Scotland (or presumably Northern Ireland or English and Welsh local lockdown areas) can't legally go home at weekend to see family. https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-what-you-can-and-cannot-do/pages/students/#visitorshortstay
Major implications across UK. Unthinkable that other nations with define household differently. Many "away from home" students need regular physical contact with family to give / recieve support. I
In my view this goes well well beyond what students were warned about. Every HEI in UK needs to make this clear to students particularly given household visits ban could be Eng/Wales wide in days.
If students can't cope with that they need to be given opp to drop out with a place next year, no fees penalty and a way to escape their housing contract with charge.
Without charge I mean. Alternatively need option to study remotely if the course can be done that way.
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