Your blood pressure is an important part of your overall health.

High blood pressure typically has no symptoms, but it causes progressive harm to the heart and brain.

The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to check your blood pressure.

When blood pushes with too much force through the cardiovascular system, it can damage the walls of the arteries as well as the heart muscle.

Damage to the arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood can eventually contribute to a heart attack.
Similarly, damage to the arteries that supply the brain with blood can contribute to a stroke, and damage to the arteries that provide the kidneys with blood can lead to kidney disease.
If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor can help you bring your blood pressure under control and reduce damage.

Treatment usually consists of a combination of the following:
1- Monitoring: You will need to have your blood pressure tested periodically to make sure that treatment is keeping it in a healthy range.

2- Lifestyle changes: Exercise, weight loss, salt reduction, quitting smoking and stress reduction all can help lower blood pressure.
Your doctor can refer you to resources that can support your efforts to make lifestyle changes

3- Medications: Your physician may prescribe medications. The medications work in various ways to reduce the pressure of blood against artery walls and the workload of the heart.
Be good to yourself, check your blood pressure regularly and try to keep your blood pressure in that normal range by living a healthy lifestyle.

Your heart will thank you!
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