2/ The action here is basically Deku playing paddleball. He yanks Tomura in with Blackwhip then Smashes him away.
3/ Straight punch, that new elbow drop thing, a kick, etc.
4/ Blackwhip *was* acting as a cast, holding together the busted left arm, but not really anymore.
Deku's body/career is done-zo without some extreme healing magic.
5/ Manual is holding both Gran Torino and Ryukyu, so it's not clear who Todoroki is administering first-aid to.
But he's like "yeah I'm done" when Bakugo asks, so...probably both, and they're probably not dead?
6/ Aizawa's amputated leg is bandaged up (with his own binding wrap).
Ectoplasm can give him advice on prosthetics later.
7/ This "B-B-B" SFX (a Horikoshi original, obviously) finishes in the other panel, on the left.
8/ Literally in his shadow.
(And, another perspective on that scene)
9/ These are all Bakugo's memories...
So was he watching when Deku took the notebook out of the koi pond? Because he definitely didn't watch it fall in (was looking away, then walked away).
10/ Roki was also contributing.
11/ So Tomura didn't completely banish the AFO ghost inside him. He just tucked it away, but it can still take over in dire circumstances (near-death?)
12/ This seems to be one of AFO's go-to basic attacks, so it's the first he whips out when he takes over Tomura's body. Tomura now has access to that Quirk, of course, but he hasn't had time to rifle through his own catalogue and memorize what he's capable of.
12B/ Also, this cyberwhip feels like an evil parallel to Blackwhip. It can trigger "Forcible Quirk Activation," although TomurAFO didn't bother doing that to Endeavor, here, so it *can* be just a damage-dealing attack.

AFO also has his own version of Float (using it now).
13/ Shoulder and right flank. He'll live.
14/ Two connected—left shoulder and gut.
15/ Parallel too obvious to mention, but if I didn't, at least 23 of people would be in the replies like "yOu miSsEd tHiS..."
16/ Only two other "rising" chapters:
-Yaoyorozu Rising (ch63, also volume 8 title; also, only her last name)
-All Might Rising (special chapter for 1st movie)
PS/ spoiler bump!
PS2/ spoiler bump 2!
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